I'm thinking of a time,many years from now,when we'll know and love each other
The way that only lifelong lovers can...we'll wonder where the time gone....
I'll retell favorite stories we'll collected through the years,
you'll laugh and let me know when I get some details wrong....
Because you know
I'm thinking of a time,many years from now,when we'll know and love each other
The way that only lifelong lovers can...we'll wonder where the time gone....
I'll retell favorite stories we'll collected through the years,
you'll laugh and let me know when I get some details wrong....
Because you know

We'll still hold hands when we walk side by side,
and understand each others feeling
without saying a word.
We'll still end each day,happy and secure in each others's arms,
thankful for everything we share,
and drift off to sleep more in love than ever.
Babe I love looking forward to a lifetime of loving you.
You always be the love of my life
and understand each others feeling
without saying a word.
We'll still end each day,happy and secure in each others's arms,
thankful for everything we share,
and drift off to sleep more in love than ever.
Babe I love looking forward to a lifetime of loving you.
You always be the love of my life