December 08, 2010


If I knew how to write a song
 I'd write one every day
it would say that I'm in love with you and why I feel this way.
Of course I tell you all the time the way I feel
But you deserve so much more than the words
If I write the song,
it would have to say you're pretty and as rare as a desert Rosa
It would say;
You're so sexy from your head down to you toes.
You are funny,dainty,fragile and as feminine as can be.
You're smart,charming,lovely and everything to me
You're my comfort when I'm lonely,you're my peace when I need rest
You lift my spirit and soothe my hurts
Off all the women I've know I must rate you the best.
You chase away my fears,and shoo away my worries.
You're the orchard in the jungle you're the better half of me
You're all of this and much more you mean the world to me.
You spark my smile and give wings to my dreams.
Still so much is left unsaid it would take me for to long.
I know how much I love you..
If only I could write a song
I'll say I was truly been blessed  with the best gift of love.
''And this gift is you''


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