January 27, 2010

Always I will be by your side

Love, like a lamp,need to be fed out of the oil of another's heart,
or its flame burns low.
To be in love is to understand that love is strong yet delicate....
....for it can easily be broken.

Sweetie Rachel,
Love, like a river,cuts a new path when it meets an obstacles.
I suggest looking at the world with new filters,new glasses.
Let's assume that you are creating your world.Now you have the opportunity to ask
yourself,''How did I create this situation and how can I change it?
It's a good time to create something better for you!
Once you feel free to be you again,then you are over the old hurt.Now you are ready to allow love into your life...real love...with self-acceptance and self-love
Always I will be by your side
I'll never hurt you or make your tears fall
Because I love you with all my heart!There is no feeling more comfortable than knowing you are right next to the person you should be with.
Sweetheart,Let's make love
All night long
Until all our strength is gone
Hold on tight
Just let go
I want to feel you in my soul
Until the sun comes up
Let's make love, again?

January 21, 2010

My high school sweetheart

If love is a state that exists within you and someone else triggers that state so that you feel in love,you fall in love.
But how does that process work?
Can you think of someone in your life who instantly brings a smile to your face or a warm feeling inside of you?

One such person for me was my high school sweetheart ''Rachel''
What truly made you great,was a magical quality about you that brought out the best of me.
We began to open up and share personal stories about past pains and joys
We had a lot of fun.
Rachel,I will always cherish the gift God gave me when he gave me You!
When I look at you and see the wonderful friendship we have today
First love is the most pure love because you're so young and untroubled by real world
We hang on that,and get through anything.
My high school sweetheart was solid in my life and it continues,it will be a constant stability for the rest of my life

January 17, 2010

My Baby Cakes!

Your future is golden!
We all have times when we worry about how thing will turn out.
But thing are going to be better than fine---they're going to be great!
You'll see:your day will be filled with joy large and small and more blessing than you, baby cakes, can count.

You have so much to look forward to!
And no one deserves it all more than you do.
You have the power to change your life for the better.
Rachel, why let doubt drag you down when you can let hope lift you up?
I'm here beside you and never let you go!
Start living today! your dreams are waiting for you.

January 14, 2010

Defining romantic love

Over the centuries,many people have tried to answer the question,''What is love?''
thought songs,poetry,books and movies.In Shakespeare's plays,people died and even killed for love.
Today some people have created their own definitions of love:''Love is unconditional,''''Love is eternal,'' ''Love knows no boundaries,'' ''Love conquers all,''etc.Many people also distinguish between loving someone and being in love.
Some people go as far as to say,''I love you,but I don't like you.''

There are two different kinds of love: unconditional love,when we truly care and want the best for the other person,and romantic love,when we focus on how the other person makes us feel.
Unconditional love can be summed up as,''I love you and you don't have to love me back.''
and romantic love can be summed up as,''What can you do for me?''

January 10, 2010

this true

Time Heals All
You may have heard it said that ''Time heals all''.
Rachel,is this true?
I believe not.
If time were the critical factor that leads to all healing,then the older we are the happier we would be since time would have healed us.
How many people do you know that are still angry,bitter, regretful,sad or deeply depressed about events that occurred 10 years ago,or even 20 years ago.

Many of us are still grieving over what happened to us as children.
Accordingly,I believe time does not heal but rather what we choose to do in that time will heal us.
Only when you can love and accept yourself and be compassionate and forgiving to yourself can you love and accept someone else and be compassionate and forgiving to others.
And the kinder and more forgiving you are to yourself,the kinder and more forgiving others will be to you!

January 02, 2010

isn't easy

Falling in love isn't easy....
....But when you want to be together
despite anger and tears,
you know you have found
the right person.
When love is not madness,
it is not love.


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