October 30, 2009

My love
Even on the grayest,
darkest day....there,
beneath the clouds...
summer blooms
within you.

October 28, 2009

Let the wind rush
Crowned with foam
Let it call to me and seek me
Galloping in the shadow,
While I,sunk
beneath your big eyes.
Just for this night
Shall rest, my love

October 22, 2009

Somebody's courting somebody,
somewhere or other to-night;
Somebody's whispering to somebody,
Somebody's listening to somebody,
Under this clear moonlight
Near the bright river's flow,
Running so still and slow,
Talking so soft and low,
She sit with somebody
Placing the ocean's shore,
Edged by the foaming roar,
Words never used before
Sound sweet to somebody.
Under the maple-tree
Deep though the shadow be,
Plain enough we can see,
Bright eyes has somebody
No one sits up to wait,
though she is out so late,
Talking with somebody
Tiptoe to parlor door,
Two shadows on the floor,
Moonlight, reveal no more,
She and somebody
Two, sitting side by side,
Float with the ebbing tide,
''thus,dearest,may we glide
Though life,''says somebody
Somewhere, somebody,
Makes love to somebody,

October 16, 2009

I used to dream in all these years
Of patient faith and silent tears,
That Love's strong hand would put aside
The barriers of place and pride;
Would reach the pathless darkness through,
And draw me softly up to you;
But that is past, if you should stray
Beside my grave, some future day,
Perchance the violets o'er my dust
Will half betray their buried trust,
And say, their dark eyes full of dew,
''She loved you better than you knew''

October 09, 2009

I don't need money,fame or luck
to live a fabulous life.
I just need to open my eyes!
Every morning, I get something so
precious,no one can put a price tag on it
a brand-new day.that 1,440 minutes that can
be filled to the brim with possibilities
for love,joy and success!
How will you fill your?


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