September 06, 2009

I expect one now

Sure,I'm faced my share of challenges
But every setback has made me smarter
Every struggle has made me stronger.
Ever triumph has made me brave
And every success has shown myself that happy endings
aren't just possible;
They're likely.
I expect one now
Life is filled with them

September 03, 2009

lute the time

So sweet the hour,so calm the time,
I feel it more than half a crime,
When the night sleeps and stars are mute
To mar the silence with lute.
this is the time when you come to me in the silence of the night
Come with eyes as bright as sunlight on a stream;
Come o memory,hope,love of finished years
Come back in tears,yet come to me in my dreams;
as long ago,my love,how long ago.
You coming in my dreams


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